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Managing Your Node

Q: How to run the task?

After logging in to Koii Node, you will see the available task list. Stake some KOII tokens to the task you want to run. After staking, please click the "Run" button to run the task. Some tasks need to set up the task environment to run. Please follow the instructions to complete the item set up.

Notice: You can run multiple tasks at the same time. Please make sure you have enough KOII tokens to stake.

Q: How to check the task status?

The Tasks status is listed in My Node page. If the task is shown as "Error" and Stop running, please check the task log to see what's wrong. If you have trouble fixing the error, please contact us on Discord.

Q: How to withdraw KOII tokens?

After running the task, you will earn your first reward after 10 - 30 minutes. Then you can withdraw your KOII tokens by clicking the "Claim Rewards" button. The longer you run the task, the more KOII tokens you will earn. You can withdraw your KOII tokens at any time.

Q: I accidentally clicked on the devnet. how can I open again my Koii app/node?

For Mac: Delete this file and start the node ~/Library/Application Support/desktop-node/config.json

For Linux: Delete this file and start the node ~/.config/desktop-node/config.json

Q: I changed computer, can I sync my old Koii node with my new Koii nodes?

On VPS: We don't have the support as of now for the seeds of staking_wallet (Will add in future). On PC: What you should have done is backup the private key of staking_wallet which is found under <path_to_k2_vps_repo>/namespace/staking_wallet.json and as for the main wallet that is the one created using koii-keygen (Also outputs the seed phrase for you to store) and can be found under koii config get command KeyPair Path.

Q: What should I do if I lose track of the node and can't restart it?

If you're having trouble locating or restarting the node, it's important to note that the node may be minimized. Please check your system tray or similar areas where minimized applications are displayed. You'll likely find the node there, and you can close it from that location. Once closed, you should be able to restart the node without any issues. This step ensures that you regain control over the node's operation.

Q: What should I do if my task Configurations doesn't auto-pair?

We strongly recommend using the default extension names, "TWITTER_USERNAME", and "KEYWORD" etc, noting that these are case-sensitive, for tasks. This practice ensures that task configurations are automatically paired when you start the task.

Should you need to change the names of these configurations, please proceed to Settings, select Task Extensions, and then click on the pencil icon to make your adjustments.