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Koii Tutorials

Tutorial: How to Re-onboarding

Road map for how to Re-Onboarding

  • save the old passphrase (Settings-->Security-->key icon)
  • save the old storage key (Settings-->Task Extensions-->eye icon)
  • import your old account to Finnie wallet (skip if you are already done)
  • find the Koii-Desktop-Node, desktop-node folder and delete it

For Windows: Go to File Explorer, type in %appdata%/KOII-DESKTOP-Node

For Linux: Open the terminal, type in cd /home/<user_name>/.config/KOII-DESKTOP-Node

For Mac: Go to Finder, click command+shift+G, type in /Users/<user_name>/Library/Application Support/

  • download the Koii node here
  • create a new account
  • remember the new passphrase (12-secret-phrase)
  • skip the faucet
  • transfer some KOII to your new account
  • click confirm to onboarding, and wait until it completed
  • enter the storage key
  • run the other tasks

Tutorial: How to Transfer funds between System and Staking

Tutorial: How to Access Your Secret Phrase

Tutorial: Finnie Wallet

Setting Up Finnie Wallet

Register Finnie Wallet:

  1. Add Finnie as a browser extension from HERE.
  2. Click “Get a new key” and follow the instructions to create a new wallet.
  3. Set up your password by selecting “Start from scratch,” then “Koii.”
  4. Carefully note down the 12-word secret phrase provided, as it is critical for your account recovery and security.

Here is the tutorial video:

Importing Wallet to Koii Node

Install Koii Node:

  • Download the latest version of the Koii Node software from HERE.
  • Launch Koii Node, and if it's your first time, follow the initial setup prompts. Prepare Wallet Details:
  • Have your 12-word secret phrase from Finnie wallet ready for the import process. Import Wallet:
  • In the Koii Node software, find and select “Import with seed phrase.”
  • Enter your Finnie wallet 12-word secret phrase when prompted.

Managing and Transferring Tokens

Transfer Tokens:

  • With your wallet imported, you can manage and transfer tokens using Koii Node.

To sell or transfer tokens:

  • Go to settings in the top right corner, select “Security” on the left.
  • Next to your token balance, click the button to open the transfer interface.
  • Input your destination wallet address, which you can find by clicking “Receive” in your Finnie wallet and copying the address.
  • Specify the number of tokens you wish to transfer.

Here is the tutorial video:

Always ensure the security of your secret phrase and double-check all details before confirming transactions.

Tutorial: Twitter Task Configuration

Tutorial: Step-by-Step Guide to turn off the twitter notifications for the tasks

  1. Open your browser.

  2. Login your email webpage in this tutorial, using Gmail for example.

  3. Click block "X" block