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Task Core Logic

The main function of this task will involve submitting 'Hello, World!' together with a user's Ethereum wallet address to IPFS and sending the corresponding CID as proof of work done to K2.

Update Dependency Imports

Navigate to the task/submission.js file, and update the dependency imports as follows:

const { namespaceWrapper } = require('../_koiiNode/koiiNode');
//const { Web3Storage, File } = require('');
// const storageClient = new Web3Storage({
// token: process.env.SECRET_WEB3_STORAGE_KEY,
// });
const nodeEthAddress = process.env.RECIPIENT_ADDRESS;
const {makeFileFromObjectWithName, storeFiles} = require("../helpers");

Task Main Logic

Still in task/submission.js file, replace the default task() method with the code below:

  async task(round) {
try {
const value = 'Hello, World!';
// Create a submission object with the value and nodeEthAddress
const submission = {

// Convert the submission object into a Blob for structured data
const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(submission)], {
type: 'application/json',

// Create a File containing the Blob with a specified filename
// const files = [new File([blob], 'submission.json')];
const files = [makeFileFromObjectWithName({blob,'submission.json' })]
// Upload to IPFS
//const cid = await storageClient.put(files);
const cid = storeFiles(files)
console.log('stored files with cid:', cid);

// Check if the CID was obtained
if (cid) {
// Store the CID under the 'value' key using namespaceWrapper
await namespaceWrapper.storeSet('value', cid);

return cid;
} catch (err) {
console.log('ERROR IN EXECUTING TASK', err);

Here's a breakdown of the code's functionality:

  • The submission object is created, consisting of:

    • value: This is set to a default value 'Hello, World!', which can be replaced with actual data.
    • nodeEthAddress: The node's Ethereum address which will be injected as an environment variable.
  • The submission object is transformed into a Blob which is then used to create a File named submission.json.

  • The file is uploaded to IPFS using Spheron and the obtained CID is stored using the namespaceWrapper.storeSet.

Older Project Repos still use

The standard for IPFS storage on Koii is Spheron. Some older project examples haven't been updated from to Spheron, follow the Spheron Infrastructure tutorial to update.

For more information why we moved to using Spheron see our FAQ.