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Task Structure

To get started, execute the command npx @_koii/create-task-cli@latest. Then, choose the first option, Create a new local repository.

? Select operation › - Use arrow-keys. Return to submit.
❯ Create a new local repository
Deploy a new task
update existing task
Activate/Deactivate task
Claim reward
Fund task with more KOII
Withdraw staked funds from task
upload assets to IPFS(metadata/local vars)

Make sure you have node and npm installed before moving forward.

Next from inside the hello-world folder install the packages using npm or yarn:

npm install

The task template contains three separate JavaScript files in task folder that contain all of the functions for a Koii task to function properly.

┣ 📂_koiiNode
┃ ┗ 📜koiiNode.js // Contain all the components that task connect to K2.
┣ 📂task
┃ ┣ 📜index.js // Main file that contains the task function.
┃ ┣ 📜submission.js // Contains the task function and submitTask function.
┃ ┣ 📜audit.js // Contains the auditTask function.
┃ ┗ 📜distribution.js // Contains the submitDistributionList and auditDistribution function.
┣ 📂tests
┣ 📜config-task.yml
┣ 📜coreLogic.js
┗ 📜index.js

What's in the template?

Core files

  • index.js — is the hub of your app, and ties the other pieces together. This will be the entry point when your task runs on task nodes.

  • _koiiNode — is a directory that contains koiiNode.js which has the interfaces to make API calls to the core of the task node. It contains all the necessary functions required to submit and audit the work, as well as the distribution lists. Check here to learn more about namespace functions.

Task Directory

It houses three key files: submission.js, audit.js and distribution.js. These files are where you define your task, audit, and distribution logic, enabling you to control the core functionality of the task.

This structure allows a modular approach to task development. By only utilizing these three files, you can easily modify and test your task logic without having to worry about the other aspects. In order to understand the theory behind this, please refer to the

Runtime Flow

Finally, in the index.js file, all these functions are combined as a task, which is then imported and used in corelogic.js. It is advisable to organize separate features into sub-files and import them into the relevant files before web-packing for better code management and maintainability. This modular approach allows for a more organized and efficient development process.

The submission.js

In the submission.js file, there are 3 methods that allow you to define the actions your task will perform and what it will submit. Here are the descriptions of these methods, which you can modify as per your specific requirements:

task()The logic for what your task should do goes here.
fetchSubmission()After completing the task, the results/work will be stored either on IPFS or NeDB. This method fetches the results/work from where it was stored.
submitTask()This method calls a namespace method and submits the task's results/work to K2.

The audit.js

In the audit.js file, there are a total of 2 methods that deal with verifying the submissions made. You can modify these methods to suit your needs:

validateNode()This method contains logic to verify a node's submission value.
auditTask()Makes a call to the namespace of task node to raise an audit against the submission value if the validation fails.

The distribution.js

In the distribution.js file, there are a total of 4 methods that handle the flow of distributing rewards. You have the flexibility to modify any of these methods to meet your specific requirements:

generateDistributionList()This method contains the logic to generate a distribution list. We have provided a sample code that rewards 1 KOII to all the nodes with valid submissions for that round.
submitDistributionList()Makes a call to a namespace1 method of the task node to upload the distribution list to K2
validateDistribution()The logic to validate the distribution list goes here.
auditDistribution()Makes a call to the namespace1 of task node to raise an audit against the distribution list if the validation fails.

When creating a task using the Task Template, there's usually no need to edit the following methods: auditTask(), auditDistribution(), and submitDistributionList().

By implementing and modifying these methods, we will create a comprehensive and fully functional task. Let's proceed with writing the logic and submission process for our task.

Final Notes

If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to contact us on Discord.

The task function, audit function, and distribution function were mentioned in the previous section; you can find task/submission.js, task/audit.js, and task/distribution.js in the task template that contains the functions for each of these steps.


Confused on how task runs? Check out the Runtime Flow to understand the task execution flow.

Next, we will go through each of these functions in detail.

  1. Namespace: In programming, a namespace is a container that holds a set of identifiers, such as variable and function names, and allows them to be distinguished from others that might have the same name but are in a different namespace. In this context, it likely refers to a specific set of functions or methods within the task node that are used for managing the distribution list.