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Key Concepts

Koii Tasks are written mostly in JavaScript, but once you understand the basics, you can use any language that compiles to WebAssembly, or deploy tasks using the ORCA container manager.


What is a Node?

Nodes are people using their computers to create a worldwide network of servers. You can pay them with KOII in order to incentivize them to run your application on their own machines.

In order to host your application, you can use the already existing pool of task runners, or recruit people who would volunteer to help host your application You can communicate with them, by using the

Koii SDK


What is a Task?

banner A task is a piece of code that you want to run on someone else's computer.

To prepare your project as a task, we'll build two main components, a task program and a metadata file.

In pseudocode, a task is a data object like this:

Task : {
program : String, // A unique locator ID for your task's executable file (i.e. an IPFS CID)
meta : {
name : String, // The name of your task - this will be shown to node operators
description : String, // The description of your task - this will be shown to node operators
bounty : int, // The amount of KOII that you are willing to pay to run your task
stake_min : int // The minimum amount of KOII that a node must stake to run your task

How do tasks run?

In the next steps of this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a task and run it on the Koii Network. But first, let's take a look at how tasks run on the Koii Network.

When your task runs on Koii nodes, it will have access to three types of data:

  • Static metadata (more): This is the information submitted when the task is created.
  • Dynamic state data (more): This is the live data maintained by the global consensus on
  • Environment variables (more): Dynamic inputs passed from the user, which can include login info, API keys, and other sensitive data.
Node : {
meta : {
id : String, // The ID of your task, running on someone else's computer
task_name : String, // The name of your task
task_description : String, // The description of your task
task_audit_program: String, // The IPFS CID of the task code
stake_pot_account : String, // The address which will hold bounty rewards and collateral
stake_min : Number, // The minimum amount of KOII that a node must stake to run your task
state : {
// The current confirmed consensus on your task's data
task_manager : String, // The address of the task's owner,
is_whitelisted : Boolean, // Whether or not this task is whitelisted to run on nodes
is_active : Boolean, // Whether or not this task is currently running on nodes
round : int, // The current round of the task
bounty : Number, // the current amount of rewards in the task's bounty pool
nodes : [ Address : String ], // The current list of staked nodes participating in this task
environment : {
__any_name__ : String // Any environment variables that you want node operators to pass to your task