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With Koii, you have the power of hundreds of CPUs that belong to real users at your fingertips. By utilizing this power, you can build extractors that are more powerful than ever before.

The Extractor Template provides a simple extractor that uses headless browsers to gather data from public websites.

It is designed to be used as a template for building your extractors, exclusively for theoretical use in public archival projects, and is not intended to be used for for-profit activities.

Example use cases:
  • Tracking your own social media presence
  • Archiving or backing up sensitive content to protect against persecution
Do not use this template to:
  • Steal data (i.e. selling large-scale analytics)
  • Infringe on personal privacy (i.e. "stalking")

Important Note: Depending on your legal jurisdiction, running a web extractor might require certain permissions. Please consult with a legal professional before engaging in any form of web-crawling or data-gathering activities.

The Structure

Here is a quick overview of the structure of the template:
