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VPS Configuration

Before You Begin

Setting up and maintaining a Koii Node requires a basic level of technical knowledge, basic experience with Linux is advisable. Anyway, we will guide you through the entire process step-by-step, in case you will encounter some obstacles please reach out to #node-vps channel in our Discord.

Make sure your hardware and internet speeds meet the minimum requirements for a Koii Node which are very minimal (similar to the Desktop version) but at least 2GB RAM and >1GHz processor and stable internet.

If you decide running a node on VPS isn't for you there are other options available, like the Desktop version. Go to our website where you will be able to download the Desktop Node

Operating System

Using Ubuntu Server 20.04.xx LTS is highly recommended for running Koii Nodes due to its stability and compatibility. The acronym LTS stands for "Long Term Support" which signifies that Ubuntu will provide updates and patches for this operating system until 2030.

Rented VPS Node or Rented Dedicated Server

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a type of hosting service that simulates a dedicated server environment but with shared hardware resources among multiple users. A dedicated server (DS) is a type of physical server that offers complete control over its hardware resources. This allows you to utilize all of the CPU, RAM, and storage available on the server without having to share it with other users. If your dedicated server has the necessary hardware to satisfy the combined requirements of multiple Koii Nodes, you may operate them on a single dedicated server.

Due to the variations in the ordering process and customer dashboard for each server provider, we cannot provide detailed instructions for each one. We suggest installing Ubuntu 20.04 as your operating system, but if you prefer to use a different operating system then you do that at your own risk.

Koii Node Installation

Connect with SSH

If you are renting a server or need to connect to your home-hosted server remotely, you will require an SSH client or terminal to communicate with your Koii node. If you have a preferred terminal please use that. Otherwise, Windows Command Prompt or the built-in terminal for MacOS and Linux users can be used. Putty is a free SSH client available for Windows users who prefer a graphical interface, it can be downloaded from Here. To establish a remote connection to your Koii node, you will utilize SSH, also known as Secure Shell. This enables two computers to communicate over the internet. Initially, you will require your Koii node's IP address: If you are hosting from home, this will be your public IP address. If you are renting a server, your provider will give you an IP address.

We will begin by connecting as the root user, although some server providers may use Ubuntu or admin instead.

To connect to your server, type the following command in your SSH client and then enter your server's password when prompted (replacing with your server's IP address):

ssh root@

Once you have successfully logged in, you will be presented with a command line that appears similar to:


Setting Up the Environment on VPS

  1. Install OS Updates

Before deploying Koii Node on your server you should install the most recent updates and security patches for your operating system. To accomplish this, use your terminal to execute the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y

The updates will now begin downloading and installing. This process may take some time, depending on your server hardware and download speed. When the updates are completed, you will be returned to your command line.

  1. Retrieve all the necessary files for the Koii node on VPS (Cloning Main Repository)

In order to successfully launch a Koii Node there are prerequisites which have to be stored in your server for Koii Node to function.

git clone

Then we enter that exact directory where the installation files can be found.

cd VPS-task
  1. Configure the Environment Variables

Update main configuration file:

nano .env-local

Set ENVIRONMENT to "production"

Video Guides

Video Updates

The videos below must be updated as follow for your VPS node to work:

  • The Testnet URL must be, not
  • You must use the most recent Task IDs, which can be found here.

How to launch a Koii Task Node on VPS

by C-Diamond

Complete Guide to Setting Up a Koii Node on a Debian VPS: From Zero to Earning Rewards

by Pewd_Crypto