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Creating the Task


Lets learn how to create a Extractor Task. This powerful tool allows you to gather data based on specific queries, populate a database, and validate the data.

Query Configuration

Basic Configuration

The query object is your key to customizing the data you receive from the source website. Here's a basic example:

let searchTerm = "#koii";
let query = {
limit: 100, // total number of records to return
searchTerm: searchTerm, // the keyword to look for
query: `${ searchTerm }&src=typed_query`, // the query string (including said keyword)
depth: 3, // the depth of recursive layers to follow
recursive: true, // descend recursively?
updateRound: () => {} // a function that returns the current round
round: 1 // the current round

Parameters Explained

  • limit: Total number of records to return.
  • searchTerm: The keyword to look for.
  • query: The complete query URL, including the search term.
  • depth: The depth of recursive layers to follow.
  • recursive: Whether to descend recursively through layers.
  • updateRound: A function that returns the current round.
  • round: The current round.

In the context of web scraping or data collection, a round refers to one complete cycle of the task or operation that you're performing. So if you want to collect tweets every hour. Each one-hour session would be considered a round of data collection.

Rounds are key to managing rate limits and segmenting the data in a way that makes it easier to analyze later.

If you're looking to scrape only the most recent 50 tweets regarding a particular hashtag, you'd adjust the limit and searchTerm parameters accordingly.

To modify the extractor query, or change how it uses the local database, check out the twitter-task.js.

Interacting with Task Runners

To offer your query as a task that others can run, you can configure its properties in the config-task.yaml file.

  • task_id: Leave this empty for the first deployment; it will be auto-generated.
  • task_name, task_description, total_bounty_amount, and bounty_amount_per_round: These are the fields that will be visible to potential task runners, so make sure they are filled out accurately.

Environment Variables


The Extractor application requires you to have a requires you to have a personal Account and a Spheron Key, either set it up in your Koii Node App, or if you prefer set it up from CLI using Spheron API. If you already have the key setup in the Koii App you can find it in settings.

Where to Declare

Environment variables should be declared in a .env file located at the root of your project directory. Ensure to include:

  • Twitter Username
  • Twitter Password
  • Spheron storage token

A Spheron Storage Token is required from the task-runner as it is used to upload data to the InterPlanetary File System protocol.

Creating and Deploying a Task

To ensure your Extractor task is deployment-ready, follow the steps below:

1. Preparation: Webpack Conversion

Before deployment, your application needs to be converted into webpack format. This optimizes your code and ensures compatibility. To do this:

yarn webpack

Run the above command in your terminal.

2. Deployment to IPFS

Once webpacked, you're ready for deployment. We utilize the create-task-cli package to help with this:

npx @_koii/create-task-cli@latest

Executing the above command deploys your webpacked application to IPFS.

3. Final Steps Post-Deployment

Congratulations! Your customized Extractor Task is now deployed on Koii. A task id will be returned upon successful deployment — make sure to save it as it's essential to execute in Koii Node.

To start your task:

  • Go to Koii Node and navigate to My Node.
  • Click on the Advanced option, located at the bottom of the interface.
  • Paste your saved Task Id and initiate your task.